Video Submission for Synthstrom TV
Please fill in this form if you've made a video you'd like us to place on our playlist.

If on YouTube (Unlisted or Public), just supply the link below, or if not on YouTube, you can send us a Google Drive link to download video (no larger than 1080 resolution/500mb).

Please format the title of your YouTube video, or the filename of uploaded file to: Artist Name - Song Name
If you are unable to do that, please fill in artist and song details in this form.

If you would like to know if your video got chosen to go on the playlist, tick the check box.
If so, we are unable to tell you when/how often will get played.


Video length:
Minimum: 90 seconds.
Maximum: 10minutes.

The video must show, for reasonable parts of the video, the Deluge clearly playing and being part of the performance, so we can confirm a Deluge plays a key role in the song/video.

Videos don't need to be Deluge only. Just watch the channel for a little while to get an idea of the other videos playing.

Audio might be high quality.

Video cannot have been on YouTube prior to April 1, 2021. However, video can have been on any other video platform, ie: Facebook, Instagram, Vimeo, etc...

The channel will not be monetized, however, we will pay the same rate of royalties that YouTube pays per view. Because of the gigantic logistical headache of dividing these payments between hundreds/thousands of people, we will be making a single charitable donation each month. Details of that will be on the website at the end of each month.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
If we direct viewers of the channel to 1 website to find out more about you, what would that be?
First preference: YouTube (can be 'unlisted' or 'public')
Second preference: Video file for download
H.264 720 or 1080 MP4 preferable, though whatever you got is fine. 500MB file size limit.
Artist name
Song name
Would you like to know if video was playlisted?
Email address
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