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New Author Intake Form
This form is essential in helping us make YOU a bestselling author. Please take your time and complete it as best as you can. Feel free to reach out if you have questions.
* Indicates required question
Your email
Author Name
Your answer
Phone Number
Your answer
What is our best method for communicating?
Voice call
Video chat
Proposed Book Title or Title Ideas
Your answer
Subtitle (if you have one)
Your answer
In one paragraph (150 words max), describe what your book is about.
Your answer
What's the "cocktail party pitch" of your book? (i.e., the quick explanation your ideal reader would actually use to recommend your book to their friends and describe the benefit they got from reading it). This should TWO sentences max.
Your answer
Do you have books in mind that yours should model? This could be books that inspire you or ones you simply enjoy. Be sure to tell me what you like about them.
Your answer
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