Application of Interest for the Youth Exchange “equaliTEAM - Play, Learn, Educate"- Chania, Crete 31 October - 7 November 2023

Thank you for your interest to participate at the KA1 Youth Mobility Project "equaliTEAM - Play, Learn, Educate", funded by the ERASMUS+ Programme for Youth under the Hellenic National Agency, INEDIVIM.

The project aims to engage young participants from five different EU countries in a fruitful exchange, that addresses the social obstacles, inequalities and injustices young girls and women face in our modern society, and raises awareness on this topic through sports and active movement and participation. Simultaneously, the project wishes to promote equality, diversity and inclusivity as core values the EU represents while also empowering young people.

This application is for the Greek participants

The Exchange will take place from October 31st to November 7th 2023 in Crete, Chania, Greece. (including travel days)

Deadline for applications: September 29th 2023

Deadline for Learning Agreements: October 10th 2023

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Name *
Surname *
E-mail *
Date of birth *
With which gender do you identify the most?
Mobile phone *
Occupation *
In case you chose "Other", please identify your occupation
University  *
Department, Circle of Studies, Year *
Place of Residence *
Please mark your level of knowledge of English *
Have you participated in other European Initiatives? *
If yes, please identify them
Please share with us, what drives you for applying to the mobility and what would you like to learn.
How did you find out about this project? *
Any questions about the mobility? (Write them here and we'll get back to you via email.)
Processing personal data for the project "equaliTEAM - Play, Learn, Educate" is in accordance with Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council No. 2016/679 (GDPR) and in accordance with Act no. 18/2018 Z. z. on the protection of personal data. Submitting a binding application will be considered as an expression of your consent to the processing of the personal data listed in the application form. The data will be used for the project application process and in the case of chosen participants for the needs of registration, security and official administration of the project. *
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Formulir ini dibuat dalam Institute of Research & Training on European Affairs. Laporkan Penyalahgunaan