Talk and Tour Registration Form
Filling in this Form you are registering for a School Tour on Thursday, July 14, 2022 at 10.00am - 11.15am.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Parent/Guardian/Carer 1 *
Address *
Email Address *
Contact Number *
Parent/Guardian/Carer 2
Email Address
Child/ren attending *
If yes, number of children attending? *
Current School *
What grade is your child currently in? *
Area you are specifically interested in at Marist-Sion College? *
Is there a specific topic you would like further information on? (i.e. Transport, School Fees, Uniform, Learning Support, Curriculum) *
Do you require mobility access? *
Where did you hear about Marist-Sion College? *
If other, please specify?
Thank you for registering your interest, we look forward to welcoming you to Marist-Sion College for a School Tour on Thursday July 14, 2022. Attendees are asked to gather in the College Chapel to sign in on the day.                      
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