West Washington School Corporation  Application for Out-of-District Student Transfer
Parents who live outside the West Washington School Corporation and wish to have their child(ren) attend school in the West Washington School Corporation must complete this form.  The West Washington School Corporation elects not to charge tuition to transfer students accepted under this policy, per IC 20-26-11-6
Parent should complete this section, sign, and present to the building principal
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Student and parent(s) must make an appointment and meet with or speak to the building principal.  This completed application form should be presented to building principal along with records documenting students:  Academic progress at previous school (Report Card and Transcript), Attendance at previous school,  , Birth Certificate and current immunization records, and State Assessment Scores
School Year
Application Date
Student's Name:  Please list all students wanting to enroll with Grade Levels
Students Birthdate:  Please list all students with birthdates
Parent's Names
City, State, Zip
Home Phone Number
Work Phone Number
Cell Phone Number
School last attended
Reason for transfer to West Washington (be as specific as possible)
Does Student Currently Have an IEP?
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References: List any employee of the school that can act as a reference for your child.
Does a member of your household already attend a WWSC school? *
WWSC can deny OOD enrollment for any of the following: expulsion/suspension, attendance issues,  violent acts or drug/alcohol infractions.

*If any of the above are present on your child's transcript and you wish to give an explanation you may explain below.
Parents agree to:
* Provide transportation to and from West Washington School Corporation or meet the out of district transportation if West Washington is unable to transport to a residence.
Transfer  Students Required to Pay the Following:
Book Rental/Fees
Breakfast/Lunch Fees
Any other Extra-Curricular and Student Activity Fees
Transfer Students
The Board of School Trustees recognizes that a parent of a child must be a legal resident of the West Washington School Corporation in order for the child to attend its schools.  The Board recognizes it has the authority to accept transfer students and it is the intent of the Board that all applicable laws in regard to student transfers shall be strictly followed.  A transfer student is one whose legal settlement is not within the boundaries of the West Washington School Corporation.

A student requesting transfer shall complete the Application for Transfer of Non-Resident Student and submit it to the West Washington School Corporation Superintendent's Office prior to enrollment.  Transfers will be considered on a yearly basis.

The parent, guardian, custodian, or student agrees to provide his/her own transportation to and from the school.

Transfer students will not be charged transfer tuition regardless of the date of enrollment of the transfer student.  I.C. 20-26-11-2

Under no circumstances will a transfer student be accepted for athletic reasons.

The building principal and superintendent may deny a transfer request based on one or more of the following criteria:
     1.  The student has been suspended or expelled for 10 or more school days in the 12 months preceding the request for

      2.  The student was suspended or expelled for possessing a firearm, deadly weapon, or destructive device in the preceding
           12 months.

     3.  The student was suspended or expelled for causing physical injury to a student, school employee, or visitor to the school.

     4.  The student was suspended or expelled for violating a drug or alcohol rule.

     5.  The student has a history of unexcused absences and based upon the location of the student's residence, attendance of
          the student would be a problem if enrolled in the school corporation.

Students transferring to this Corporation from other schools or school corporations shall be placed in those classes or those grade levels for which their previous educational experiences appear to qualify them.  The School Corporation reserves the right to change or modify such placements on the basis of later information, testing, or investigation.

The Superintendent shall develop the operational procedures and forms necessary for the implementation of this policy.

Legal References:     I.C.  20-26-11-2
                                   I.C.  20-26-11-6
                                   I.C.  20-26-11-6.5
                                   I.C.  20-26-11-32

2022-2023 Thresholds & Open Enrollment Window
2022-2023 Thresholds and Open Enrollment Window (Cont.)
Signature:  Please type your name acknowledging you have read and agree to the above disclosures.
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