Training and Education Request Form
PEERS Alliance receives many requests for training, presentations, and education. This form helps us respond to your request in a timely manner.

We have implemented fees of $750 - $3,000 for our established trainings that last anywhere from 90 minutes to half day sessions  Costs and availability will vary depending on longer timeframes, customized content, travel, and size of group. We also take into consideration non-profit status when offering a quote for this work.

Some organizations may be eligible for a sliding scale rate. If you would like to apply for a subsidized rate, please fill out this form, and then the sliding scale request form at:
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Email *
Which training or presentation would you like to book? *
Please indicate the requested date(s) and time for the training. *
Please indicate where the training will take place, or whether you are requesting an online training. *
How long of a training session are you requesting? *
Your name, position, and organization *
Your Email *
How many participants do you expect for this training? *
We use slide presentations for most of our workshops, some of them include videos and need access to the internet. Please indicate below if the space for your training will have the following equipment set up:
Please tell us about the event or gathering for which you are requesting this training. *
Is there anything else we should know about your request?
Thank you for filling out this form!
A PEERS Alliance Staff person will be in touch within 4 business days with our availability and a quote for the cost of the training.

If your organization is unable to pay the fee for the training, we are able to accommodate a limited number of subsidized trainings each year. Please fill out the Sliding Scale Request form here:
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