Multiplier Event: Critical success factors and their typological classification for the evaluation of the Open Educational Resources (OER)
The seminar is part of the Erasmus+ Project Digital Education for Crisis Situations: Times when there is no alternative (DECriS), (2020-1-HR01-KA226-HE-094685,, which will take place in hybrid mode (via Google Meet and face-to-face) at the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (ULSIT-2), Sofia, Bulgaria. The meeting will present outputs of the DECriS project in the period May 2021 – May 2022. The focus is on the critical factors for evaluation of existing OERs from the point of view of their use during the COVID-19 crisis. At the same time, national and international experts and guests will present their work and experiences related to the topic, with the aim of facilitating and making possible a discussion.

University of Library Studies and Information Technologies, (ULSIT-2), 1574 Sofia,
69A Shipchenski Prohod Blvd., 3rd, Floor, room 309
You can also attend and participate online through Google Meet.

ME-2 in Sofia (03/05/2022, starts at 12.30 a.m. & 04/05/2022 from 9.30 a.m. till 12.30 a.m.)
Sofia Time Zone – EEST (Eastern European Summer Time), UTC+3

* Registration open until April 30ty, 2022.

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