UIC United Faculty Representative Assembly Nomination Form (2022)
Thank you for your interest in serving on the Representative Assembly. Any UICUF member who joined the union prior to October 20, 2021–six months prior to the election date of April 20, 2022–is eligible to run for office.

The election will be conducted via mail-in and in-person ballot. Ballots will be mailed to UICUF members no later than March 31, 2022, and completed ballots must arrive by mail or be dropped in campus ballot boxes no later than 5pm, Wednesday, April 20, 2022.

To nominate yourself, please complete the form below by 5pm, Monday, March 21, 2022, using the last question to submit 5 endorsements from United Faculty members in your College/Division. That is to say,  to be eligible to endorse you, endorsers must be both a) members of the union, and b) a member of the constituency (the College/Division) you would represent.

To submit your endorsements in the final question, you can either:

a) Collect endorsements through email:
-->ask endorsing colleagues to email you the statement: I, [endorser's name], endorse  the nomination of [your name] for [the office of X] on the UIC United Faculty Representative Assembly.
-->Copy and paste the names of the 5 endorsing faculty members into the final question.

b) Collect endorsements through this form: https://forms.gle/FvqmQz1jqmkEJyit8
-->send your colleagues the link above to the form where they can submit their endorsements. The Elections Committee can see and tally the responses as they are sent in.
Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
Your Name: *
Your unit/department and rank: *
Your address: *
Your phone number: *
Your email: *
Your statement: a brief description of your work focus at UIC, involvement in the union (if any), and aims for the union. *
For what College/Division on the Representative Assembly are you submitting this nomination? Terms of office are two years.  Please find descriptions of all positions here: https://goo.gl/8Mt03u *
Endorsements: Either paste in the names of your 5 endorsing faculty members (you should be in possession of a written endorsement statement from each prior to submitting) OR please note that you have opted to send your colleagues the endorsement form where they can submit their endorsements directly to the Elections Committee: https://forms.gle/FvqmQz1jqmkEJyit8 *
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