Call for Proposals: NDCTE 2024
Theme: "Create Connections"
October 24-25, 2024 @ Mandan Public Library, Mandan, ND

With a shortened conference this year, we have a limited number of keynote and breakout sessions available. We promise if we can't fit you in, we'll keep your name on our potential speakers list. Thanks for sharing your proposal with us!

Please tailor your proposal to the following categories:
  • AI: In an age of AI, why do we teach writing, and how can AI impact how we teach and assess writing? What lesson plans can you share that incorporate, counter and/or evaluate AI writing?

  • ND ELA Standards: In light of the new ND State ELA standards, what guidance can you offer teachers in terms of shifts, seeing, and using the standards to guide instruction?

  • Playing games: How can teachers develop a sense of wonder and play in the classroom? How can play, creativity and rigor go hand-in-hand?

  • Critical thinking: How can ELA teachers help students develop critical thinking skills to problem solve and evaluate propaganda?

  • Reading / Writing Connections: Share your best practices from analysis and beyond! How do you connect reading and writing? Share your ideas and let us experience your lessons.

This form is collecting email addresses; however, the addresses will only be used for communication with presenters. It will not appear in public web pages of this conference.
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Email *


Presenter bio: Maximum of 150 words. May be edited to fit the program. *
Title of presentation *
Abstract: The abstract will serve as the public description of your session in the online conference program. This should be written for a general audience and address what prospective attendees should know about your session. Maximum 250 words. *
I'm interested in presenting:  *

Learning Outcomes.* Please list 1-5 learning outcomes for your session to accompany your abstract. Describe the specific knowledge or skills attendees will have after participating in the session. How might participants achieve these goals?

Presenter Needs/Audience Considerations: Note any needs you might have or wish participants to bring to your session. Also, please note if you need a projector for your presentation and what type of device you are using so that we can provide technical assistance and compatibility. Please make ahead of time, any hard copies you wish to share with participants. *

Confirmation: Please confirm that you understand you will retain the copyright of your work, but if invited to present, you will allow publication of the recording via Zoom.

A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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