Community Code of Conduct Acknowledgement
Please review our Community Code of Conduct here, then complete this form. This is a requirement for participation in the Women in Dataviz Slack Community starting July 1, 2023. 
メール *
What is your first name? *
What is your last name? *
How do you prefer to be addressed? *
If you answered "Other" to the previous question, how would you like to be addressed?
Please provide your preferred email address for communications from Women in Dataviz. *
Have you read the Community Code of Conduct, and do you agree to abide by it to the best of your ability? *
Do you have any feedback regarding the Community Code of Conduct? (We will review it semi-annually and take all feedback received into consideration.)
Google フォームでパスワードを送信しないでください。
このコンテンツは Google が作成または承認したものではありません。 不正行為の報告 - 利用規約 - プライバシー ポリシー