Em's Ensemble - Scholarship Application
Em's Ensemble was created to honor Emily Kellner and her love for theater, writing and finding 'home.'  We encourage all who believe they are artists or are looking for a place to belong, to apply if finances prove to be a barrier to participation. 

The scholarship program is need based.  If you need it, fill out this form after you register for class.  We ask that you contribute what you are able and we will cover the rest. 
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Email *
Name of Participant/Student
Name of Person filling out the form
What class did you register for?
What is the dollar amount you feel you can contribute?
All applications will be processed in a timely manner. If there is anything additional you would like to add, please do so here. Thank you!
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Formulir ini dibuat dalam Pink Umbrella Theater Company, LLC. Laporkan Penyalahgunaan