REGISTER: "Theatrical Tools for Designers, UX & CX" October 2024

23-25 October 2024, Nuremberg, Germany

Use this form to book your place on this unique learning experience. Very soon, we will be in touch to confirm your details, organise invoicing etc.
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Email *
Hi! What is your full name, please? *
What is your job title or function? *
Please tell us where you work. If you prefer not to name the company, please tell us your industry. *
You don't need any design, UX or CX experience for this course, but it's good to know if you have any. How would you rate your experience of design, UX or CX work?  *
I'm a complete beginner.
I'm very experienced.
You don't need any theater experience for this course, but it's good to know if you have any. So, how would you rate your experience of working in / performing theatre or any other performing arts? *
I'm a complete beginner.
I'm very experienced.
We will contact you by email to organise your registration, invoicing etc.  As it's holiday season in Europe, this may take a few days. *
Thanks! That's it for now. Is there anything else you want to tell us?
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