Mentorship Magnificent: Find out more by sharing with me here

👑 🧬 Let these questions inspire you to expand your imagination of what could become possible if you shift into leading from the richness of your inner knowing.

Your responses will be handled with the most care and confidentiality and following this questionnaire, you'll have the opportunity to talk to me on a call or in a chat so that you can explore if my mentorship is the right fit for you.  

If one of these questions are difficult for you to answer, simply put a "-" into the space and maybe respond to it during our call/chat. 
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Email *
Your full name: *
Please name your 1-3 priority topics right now. 

Can you see beliefs and feelings attached to these? If yes, feel free to include them here. 
What are the ripple effects of these dynamics that you can see so far, if any?  *
What specific outcomes do you desire and why are these important to you? 

Are you ready and open to be mentored and coached? *
Why do you feel the time is perfect to receive support? *
How can you see your life changed 12 months from now when the shifts you desire have taken place? What does this look like in your thoughts, feelings, habits, and actions? *
What's your desired investment? *
How do you want to connect with me to find out if my mentorship and I as a person are the right fit for you? *
If you chose the call: 

Are you committed to show up on time and ready for our call?
If you chose the chat: Pls leave your IG or FB handle here. 

If you chose the call: Pls leave your timezone and preferred times of the week/day here or three specific times you're free. 
Thank you so much for connecting! 
I'll get back to you within two working days. 

Please leave any remaining information here. 

Speak to you soon, 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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