Beauty and the Beast - Ticket Order form
Show Dates:
Thursday, May 18th @ 7pm
Saturday, May 20th @ 7pm
Sunday, May 21st @ 2pm

Please fill out this form in order to reserve tickets for the Spring 2023 8th Grade Musical Theatre production of Beauty and the Beast.

Please make sure you are only reserving the actual number of tickets you need. We expect to sell out every night and if tickets are reserved and are not used we lose out on that revenue.

You may reserve as many tickets as you need, however, we will not reserve more than 10 unless a pre-payment has been received. If you wish to go ahead and prepay for your tickets no matter the total, feel free to do that as well. All payments can be submitted to Mrs. Twenter via the choir room mailbox. 

Tickets can be paid for by cash or check (made payable to RPEMS). We do not have a card option.  
Email *
Name to hold tickets under
Coordinating Phone Number *
Which performances would you like to reserve tickets for? Click all dates that apply. *
How many tickets would you like? Please specify how many each night if your are ordering for multiple nights. *
Any special accommodations?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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