MSMP Shirt Order Form 2020
Aloha! Thank you for your interest in purchasing a MSMP Shirt! We recently changed our designs and are now selling DRI-FIT shirts with the option for short or long sleeve! Due to COVID, we will only be accepting payments through PayPal and orders will be shipped to you. (We will be covering the delivery charge). If you have any questions, please email us at
Last Name *
First Name *
Shipping address (Street, Apt#, City, State, Zip code) *
Is this a P.O. Box? *
Please check off the box that indicates which shirt style, size and quantity you would like to order.  Short sleeve shirts are $14 and long sleeve shirts are $17.  Please pay for the shirt via
Captionless Image
Short Sleeve S
Short Sleeve M
Short Sleeve L
Short Sleeve XL
Long Sleeve M
Long Sleeve L
Long Sleeve XL
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