《 森林裡的約定🥂  》餐點外帶預約單 《 Promise from the forest 🥂  》    Takeout Reservation Form

This form is for the Promise from the forest🥂 " Kuya & Eiden 2024 Unoffical Birthday Fanchant Event " Dining "Takeout" Reservation Form.

🥂 活動日期:2024.05.29(三)~ 6.04(二)
🥂 活動地點:高雄/格林卡布咖啡輕食館(高雄市前鎮區復興四路10號B1之5)
🥂 活動時間:平日/ 15:00~19:30,假日/14:30~20:30

🥂 【供餐時間】
🥂 5.29(三)、 5.30(四)、6.04(二)以上三日僅提供飲品
🥂 5.31(五)、6.01(六)、6.02(日)6.03(一)以上四日提供限定餐點及飲品

🥂 【Meal Serving date】
🥂 5.29(Wed)、 5.30(Thu)、6.04(Tue)only drinks available.
🥂 5.31(Fri)、6.01(Sat)、6.02(Sun)6.03(Mon)Meals available.

🥂 Date:2024.05.29(三)~ 6.04(二)
🥂 Place:Green Gables Cafe
(No. 10, B1, Fuxing 4th Road, Qianzhen District, Kaohsiung City)
🥂 Time:Weekday/ 15:00~19:30,Weekend/14:30~20:30




Please be reminded to read through all the instructions in the form carefully.

🍰During the afternoon period, only afternoon tea is available.
🍱During the dinner period, only dinner items are available.

🥤Drinks are available throughout the day.(Drink ordered individually is available for takeout only.)
If you only need to order individual drinks, please proceed to the takeout form.

  • 餐點皆以外帶餐盒盛裝,可自行領取塑膠提袋包裝。
  • 餐點恕不提供內容物的變更、混搭或客製化服務,敬請見諒。
  • 凡點購餐點皆含一份應援禮及用餐特典。用餐特典依購買之餐點分不同款式。
  • 凡單點飲品,一杯皆含一份應援禮。
  • 餐點領取為自助領取,請依現場指示進行取餐。
  • 取餐時間為該時段結束前30分鐘,需領餐完畢。

  • 每時段外帶提供數量有限,敬請見諒。
  • 餐點SET一人最多點購兩份,應援飲品最多每款限兩杯,兩款合計上限共四杯  。
  • 請注意您的「預約名稱」及「手機號碼」都有填寫正確,以便取餐時核對預約資訊。
  • 預約為小精靈手動安排,會確認客人們的資料是否都填寫完整,以此為標準。
  • 並非以填寫的先後時間為準,因資料無法手動修改,請客人們仔細確認內容正確後再送出即可~
⚠️【Dining Precautions】⚠️
  • The meals are packed in takeout containers. You could request a plastic bag for packing on their own.
  • The meal contents cannot be altered, mixed, or customized. Thank you for your understanding.
  • Every meal includes a Limited Gift and a Dining Special Gift, which varies based on the meal purchased.

⚠️【Registration Notes】⚠️
  • Limited quantities are available for takeout in each time slot. Thank you for your understanding.
  • Each person can order a maximum of two meal sets and two special drinks per type for four drinks across two types.
  • Please ensure your "Reservation Name" and "Phone Number" are correct for check-in verification.

  • Reservations will be manually arranged by our staff, who will verify that all customer information is complete as the standard.
  • The submission order does not affect priority, so please review and ensure accuracy before submitting.




🥂 填寫完成後您留下的信箱會收到填寫內容的表單回覆副本。

🥂  若因未詳讀注意事項之內容而造成報名未成功或當日餐點有誤,請自行承擔相關責任。

⚠️【Payment Instructions  】⚠️

Due to tight scheduling arrangements, payment instructions will be sent to successful reservations within two days after booking. Please make sure to check your email and complete the payment within the specified deadline to complete your registration.

🥂 Upon completion, the email address you provided will receive a copy of the completed form for your records. You can use this to confirm the successful submission of your registration and review the details you have provided.

🥂  If registration is unsuccessful or there are errors in the meal selection on the event day due to failure to read the details, please bear responsibility for the consequences.

"Promise from the forest" Kuya & Eiden 2024 Unoffical Birthday Fanchant Event

Email *
⚠️報名已截止 ⚠️ *
每日每時段外帶餐點有限,若預約額滿敬請見諒。 *
 Limited quantities are available for takeout in each time slot. Thank you for your understanding.

Reservation slots are not allocated on a first-come, first-served basis but based on accurate information provided.
Please take your time and ensure all details are correct before submitting.
怕漏信可以填寫預備信箱  / Alternative email address
Please check your email inbox or spam folder regularly after submitting the registration form.
Please be sure to contact the organizer promptly if there are any instances of missed emails.
If you miss the payment deadline due to email issues, we regret we can't assist. Please re-register.
預約大名(暱稱可) /Name *
Will be publicly displayed on the reservation confirmation form.
手機號碼(格式:0912-345-678) 半形 / Phone Number *
For staff verification purposes during check-in only, please ensure that the information you provide is accurate.
預約來店日期/僅提供飲品日期。/Only drink. *
預約來店日期/提供應援餐點及飲品。/Meals and drinks available. *
⚠️  下一頁為選擇取餐時段:下午茶/晚餐時段,分平假日,請客人注意選擇是否正確。 *
⚠️ The options below are for selecting either the afternoon tea or dinner session, categorized into weekday and weekend. Please ensure you choose the correct one.

🥤 If you only need to order drinks, please select your preferred pickup time slot, choose '0' for the meal options for that slot, and select 'Yes' for the "Drink Purchase" option at the end. Then, proceed to the next page to order drinks separately.

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