I am interested in the Practical Nursing Program, and would like to be placed on the waiting list.
If the above statement applies to you, please fill out the information below. As a confirmation of your request, you will receive an email message with instructions on how to view your wait list position. Admission to the PN program is processed in June for a fall semester start, and in October for a spring semester start. You may contact Melanie Griffith, Nursing Office Assistant, at mgriffith@nmc.edu with any questions you may have.
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Email *
First and Last Name *
Preferred Admission Term *
I have met all of the prerequisites required for the Practical Nursing Program, and would like to be added to the wait list. *
Have you previously been enrolled in, or admitted to, any other nursing program and/or taken nursing classes? If yes, please submit copies of official transcripts and a letter of good standing signed by the Director of Nursing from your previous school. Failure to disclose will result in dismissal from the program. *
After submitting this form, you will receive an email confirmation.  Thank you for your interest in Northwestern Michigan College's Practical Nursing Program.
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