Worth Elementary iPad Agreement
The iPad that your child is being issued is an educational tool and should be used in that capacity. Failure to comply with Board Policy 6:235 - Access to Electronic Networks and these guidelines will result in loss of take-home privileges.

Before a student is granted permission to take their assigned iPad home, his/her parent or guardian must sign this agreement.

Before the technology is assigned to a student, a parent or guardian must assume financial responsibility for the equipment by signing this agreement. The approximate replacement cost of the iPad and case is $420.

If the technology has a failure of an internal part, it is covered by a warranty and will be repaired at no cost. If the technology assigned to your child is lost, stolen or damaged through negligence, vandalism, or failure to follow the proper care guidelines, then you are responsible for the cost of repair or replacement.

When technology is taken home by the student, it must be returned to the school on the next attendance day. Failure to return the equipment on time may result in loss of the privilege of taking the equipment home again. It is expected that the equipment will be returned to school with a fully charged battery for use during the school day.

The iPad and case are the property of Worth School District 127. The district reserves the right to demand the immediate return of the equipment at any time. The equipment should only be used by the student named in this agreement.


A form will need to be filled out for each student in your household. There is a separate form for each school, so please fill out the proper school's form for each student.

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Student First Name *
Student Last Name *
Parent/Guardian Name *
Relation to Student *
Parent/Guardian Signature (Type your full name to be used as your digital signature) *
I agree to abide by the conditions listed above and assume responsibility for the care and proper use of the District-owned iPad with case.  We agree our student is responsible for how the equipment is used and cared for.  I understand and agree that the District is not responsible for any loss resulting from iPad errors, delays, lost data, or service interruptions.  I have read this Agreement carefully and agree to its terms, and I give my permission for my child to use the District-owned iPad.
Date of Signature *
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