PRESS/MEDIA/Photographer/Videographer Accreditation Application Form Berlin Fashion Week x KEYI Magazine  03.02.2025: 5 pm - 5 am
The press accreditation will be confirmed as fast as possible, please be patient with us as we are receiving many requests at the moment.

Event Timing: February 3rd, 2025 - 5pm - 5am - fashion shows & performances in the late evening & afterparty 
Event Address: OXI club, Wiesenweg 1-4, 10365 Berlin

Please before you apply make sure you agree to the following rules:
- while sharing your work anywhere after the event make sure you mention @keyimagazine as the main organizer
- do not use a flash please or only when you are on the side (do not flash towards the crowds) - only on the performances/shows allowed
- delivering pictures/press material up to 1 month after the event with unrestricted rights to use it for promotion of the event/further Keyi events solely
- the club has normally strict no-photo policy - please ask before publishing anything online

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Full Name *
Phone Number:
I am a... *
Why do you want to work with our magazine during Berlin Fashion Week x KEYI MAGAZNE event? Share your motivation and interest in collaborating with us, what you could offer.
Portfolio/Website link:
Work example ( please put links with your previous work related to similar event ) :
Previous Work/Experience: Please provide a brief overview of your previous media/journalist/photography/videography work, including any relevant experience in fashion or events.
How did you hear about our magazine?
Thank you for your application! If you want add something please do it below.
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