Details For BE RTT Clinic Discovery Call


You are taking the first step towards empowering yourself into phenomenal wellbeing, through the awesome power of hypnotherapy. 

Before booking your discovery call, there's a few details I need from you. Filling this form in now saves time on the call so we can get straight down to what you want (life without the problem) and, more importantly, it also helps you to start thinking about what it is you actually want before we speak.

This information also helps me to have all your details correct and to hand to give you the best experience right from the get go.

Breathe deeply, get yourself a cup of tea, relax and take some time to think about your answers and to prioritise your wellbeing, health and happiness. Because you deserve it. 

Once you have completed the following questionnaire you will be invited to click a link to go to the B_E Clinic booking system to choose your ideal date and time. 

Welcome to a beautiful journey of understanding who you truly are (and can be), I'm really looking forward to meeting you.

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