Interest & Feedback Form - Full Immersion Mandarin
We are so glad you are interested in our Full Immersion Online Mandarin Classes. We've work hard developing this program to ensure the success of your child learning the Chinese and speaking Mandarin naturally. We want to make this class accessible to all students so we value your input on this form. Thank you.
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How did you hear about this program? *
What is stopping you from enrolling in the Full Immersion Online Class? *
What time zone do you live in? *
Scheduling Preference (in your time zone)
Keep in mind we are looking for 4-6 hour blocks of time throughout the week. We prefer to keep class less than 2 hours. We appreciate you being flexible with your schedule so we can be sure to create a schedule that best accommodate the majority. Private tutoring is also an alternative that we are adding soon.
Afternoons (Before 6PM)
Evenings (After 7PM)
Monday & Wednesday
Tuesday & Thursday
Comments or questions
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What's your phone number?
How do you prefer to be contacted?
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