Winter Carnival History
Tell Historic Saranac Lake about your Winter Carnival memories!
Google에 로그인하여 진행상황을 저장하세요. 자세히 알아보기
이메일 *
What's the earliest Winter Carnival you attended?
How many Winter Carnivals have you attended (best guess)?
Do you have a favorite Winter Carnival memory?
Do you have any Winter Carnival objects you'd like to donate to Historic Saranac Lake? A staff member will contact you!
Do you have any Winter Carnival photographs (prints, scans, or digital photos) you'd like to donate to Historic Saranac Lake? A staff member will contact you!
Do you have any questions we didn't answer in the presentation?
Do you have any feedback for us, or suggestions for future programs that you would like to see?
Name (optional)
Email (optional - be sure to include if you want us to contact you!)
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