Registration Form
All information shall be used by the school for legitimate purposes, specifically for and shall be processed by authorized personnel in accordance with GJC Data Privacy Policies.

This form serves as official enrollment form for SY 2021-2022. When you submit this form, you are  considered as TEMPORARILY enrolled  at Gerona Junior College, Inc. To be OFFICIALLY enrolled, you HAVE TO PAY the down payment in the amount of two thousand pesos (P2000.00) between May 17-June 18.  Proper health protocol must be followed when visiting the school. Kindly prepare, if possible, the exact amount. Other important dates and information will be given upon payment of down payment.

Grade Level this SY 2021-2022 *
Last Name (Apelyido) *
First Name (Pangalan) *
Middle Name (Gitnang Pangalan) *
Date of Birth *
Place of Birth *
Gender *
Contact Number *
Present Address *
Learner Reference Number (LRN) *
Father's Name *
Father's Occupation *
Father's Contact Number *
Mother's Name *
Mother's Occupation *
Mother's Contact Number *
Religion *
Name of School Last Attended *
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