03/31/2024 TTBA Coffee Chat in Houston ☕️
TTBA 全新networking第一站在休士頓開跑囉 🤩

今年TTBA將在德州重點城市舉辦「Coffee Chat」系列活動,邀請當地生醫領域的講者來和大家分享自己的職涯經歷,希望透過較為輕鬆的形式讓講者和與會者有更活絡的互動與交流。

Let’s Coffee Chat with..

👨陳摘宇博士 Tsai-Yu Chen Ph.D. (Senior Scientist, Process Development, Lonza Houston Inc.)
⏰時間:3/31 週日下午2-4點
📍地點: 休士頓 Texas Medical Center Area
City Plaza Club House (1330 Old Spanish Trail, Houston, TX, 77054)

🔗立即馬上報名:入場費 $6 (現場收費),每人附一杯珍奶,並提供下午茶點心

【About Our Speaker】Tsai-Yu Chen Ph.D.(Senior Scientist, Process Development, Lonza Houston Inc.)
Dr. Tsai-Yu Chen currently serves as a senior scientist in Process Development, Cell and Gene Technologies division at Lonza. He obtained his Ph.D. in Cancer Biology from The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center / UT Health Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences in 2017. With a focus on mammalian and insect-cell based viral vector production systems, Dr. Chen possesses extensive expertise in various cell and gene therapy applications, such as Adeno-Associated Virus (AAV), Adenovirus, Lentivirus, Vesicular stomatitis virus, and Exosome Production. Transitioning from academic research to industry,
Dr. Chen emphasizes the importance of developing scalable processes from the academic setting to cGMP manufacturing as one of the key steps for the commercialization of cell and gene therapy products. In his current role, he leads a cross-functional team to develop cGMP-compliant processes for several prominent global biotech companies, enabling the production of cutting-edge cell and gene therapy products.

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