The Roving Peregrine Workshop Scholarship Application
This application is for free workshop attendance for any child 4-18 (before graduating High School. If assistance for older participants is needed please email for more information). This form must be completed in its entirety unless otherwise noted. Applications are due 30 days before the start of the workshop (unless otherwise noted or communicated to you) and decisions are made 2 weeks before the start of workshop. This application does not include one day workshops and only applies to workshops exceeding one week. For aid assistance with any other program or workshop please contact Artistic Director Heather Wallen at for more information. 
The information below is used to establish the participants interest in this program and to make a decision on acceptance. Disclosing financial need is not needed and this program works on the honor system and the needs of the participant. At least 3 Scholarships per workshop are available at this time, as funding is raised we will make more available. Acceptance to one workshop does not guarantee acceptance to future workshops and level of active participation in previous workshops a participant has already attended is considered. Please fill out applications per participant per workshop.
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Email *
Name of Child, Age, Gender *
Name of Person applying and relationship to the child: 
What workshopks(s) are you applying for? *
For the Child: Why are you interested in participating in this specific workshop? 
For the Child: What would you like to learn from this workshop? 
Have you or your child ever participated in a show or workshop with either The Black Box Youth Playhouse or The Roving Peregrine Theatre Company? (This is not required, just a curiosity) If not, how did you hear about us?
I understand that: *
Are there any other siblings or family members applying for the same workshop scholarship? (This does not affect anything other than consideration for the fact that multiple siblings may be an ''all or nothing'' situation. If that is the case, state so below. You may be contacted for more information.) *
Is there anything else you would like to add?
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