UMKC Cantate Choral Invitational 2022
Thursday, September 29, 2022, ALL DAY. 7:00pm Performance. Location: Helzberg Hall, Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts. Jennaya Robison, Charles Robinson, and Jake Runestad; clinicians.
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
E-Mail-Adresse *
School Name *
Director Last Name *
Director First Name *
Director Email *
Director Cell Phone *
Name of Choir *
Number of participants in choir *
Would you like to be considered as a "spotlight" choir for 2022? Choirs rotate each year to give more schools the opportunity to perform as a featured ensemble for Cantate. ALL choirs will participate as part of the massed, festival choir. *
Would you like have the option of a clinic for your choir this year? Choirs need to have at least one piece at a performable level in order to be considered. Limited clinic time is available. *
If selected to participate in Cantate Choral Invitational 2022, I understand that we will need to provide our own music. (Repertoire list: A google drive will marked scores will be available for practice prior to the event. Schools will be expected to provide purchased copies of the music on the day of the festival. UMKC will not provide music for the event. (please initial) *
A $150 fee per choir needs to be paid via check to UMKC, memo Cantate Choral Invitational. Fee due by September 20, 2022 (please initial) *
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