OB Shock Poster Presentation Abstract Submission 
Thank you for your interest in participating in the Scientific Session at OB Shock! We invite you to submit an abstract that falls within the following categories: 
  • Medically Challenging Case
  • Original Research
  • Quality Improvement
Submissions may pertain to any aspect of obstetric care or obstetric anesthesia. Submissions related to critical care obstetrics and high risk obstetrics are encouraged!

The deadline for submission is May 31, 2024 at 11:59PM CT. 

Acceptance notices will be emailed out approximately two weeks after the submission deadline. 

One presenter per accepted submission will be given 40% off registration (full price). Registration discounts cannot be stacked. 
Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
Presenter Full Name & Credentials (ie Jane Smith, MD) *
Presenter's Profession *
Institution/Place of Practice  *
Institutional Department (ie Anesthesiology, OBGYN) *
Type of Abstract  *
If Other, please describe your submission.
Abstract title
First Author Name & Credentials (ie John Smith, SRNA)
Senior Author Name & Credentials ( ie Jane Smith, CRNA)
Other Author Names (please list in order as they would appear) *
Was patient consent and/or IRB approval obtained for your case report or original research? *
Enter abstract (2500 character limit) *
Have you already registered to attend the conference?

*If you are registered and your submission is accepted, we will refund the discounted amount back to you.
How did you hear about OB Shock? *
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