District 181 Parent Survey on Reopening Schools
Dear Parents/Guardians,

As we stated in our email, at this point, our plan is to reopen for in-person instruction with an option for parallel remote instruction at the beginning of the 2020-21 School Year. Please review the document that was included in the email from the District that shares our preliminary framework for both of these options. This document is also available on our website at www.d181.org/news.

The survey below is designed for the District to gather information from families so that we can plan for staffing, instruction, and implementing safety measures.


- Please fill out one survey for each child in your household.
- Please complete this survey by 7 p.m. Wednesday, July 22.

Please note that your response to this survey does not serve as a formal registration for your child in either Remote or In-Person Learning. We will be sending an FAQ document by the end of July with greater levels of detail and then request your final decision at that time.
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Student name *
Which school does your child attend? *
Grade in August for 2020-21 School Year *
OVERVIEW: District Safety Protocols
As a reminder and summarized overview, under Phase 4 of the Restore Illinois Plan, the following parameters will be in place:
* Schools will be open with Illinois Department of Health (IDPH) approved safety guidance.
* As mandated by the Illinois State Board of Education, face coverings will be required throughout the day.
* If there is a medical reason not to wear a face mask, we will work with medical experts, legal counsel, and parents to ensure the highest level of compliance.
* Each student and staff member will be required to self-certify that they are free of symptoms before entering the school building.  In addition to the parent certification, mid-day temperature checks for staff and students will be conducted on a rotating basis.
* Gatherings of 50 people or less are allowed in one space.
* Social distancing will be observed, as much as possible, through practices such as:
- Using multiple entrances and exits during arrival and dismissal.
- Organizing classroom furniture to maximize space between students.
- Limiting locker usage.
- Staggering passing periods.
- Having students move through their day as a cohort to the greatest extent possible.
- Designating traffic patterns in hallways and stairwells.
Student Attendance: At this time, which option do you prefer for the start of the 2020-21 school year? *
What is the main reason for your selection regarding student attendance?
Grades 1-5 Only - Lunch: Knowing that State guidelines will be followed during the lunch period, what do you anticipate will be your preference for this year? (Note: Lunch is 30 minutes.  Recess will occur outside of the lunch periods for the 2020-21 school year.)
What is the main reason for your selection regarding lunch?
Bus Transportation: Students will be assigned to a seat and will be required to wear masks. No more than 50 students will be allowed on a 72-passenger bus. With these safeguards, do you plan to use District 181 transportation? (To qualify, you must live more than 1.5 miles from school and/or cross a certified serious safety hazard to get to school.)  PLEASE NOTE: Paid bus transportation for those who live less than 1.5 miles from school will be suspended this year to increase social distancing. *
What is the main reason for your selection regarding transportation?
What topic, if any, are you interested in seeing additional information about? Please note that we will be addressing additional topics by the end of July as stated in today's email.
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