33rd Ward: Neighborhood Clean and Greens / Limpieza de Vecindario
This year, as part of the neighborhood clean-up program, join us for Neighborhood Clean & Greens. Assist us in keeping our neighborhood clean and our natural areas thriving! Please indicate which day(s) you would want to participate.

Details: Our office will provide grabbers, gloves, and garbage bags.

Time: 10am - 1pm

4/23, Albany Park: Meeting place Lawrence & Bernard
5/14 Avondale: Meeting Place Brands Park {3259 N Elston}
7/23 Ravenswood Manor & Horner Park (Montrose & California)

Location: Specific locations will be sent to registrants and announced closely to the date

Este año, como parte del programa de limpieza del vecindario, únase a nosotros para Neighborhood Clean & Greens. ¡Ayúdenos a mantener nuestro vecindario limpio y nuestras áreas naturales prósperas! Indique qué día(s) le gustaría participar.

Detalles: Nuestra oficina proporcionará herramientas, guantes y bolsas de basura.

Sitio: Le mandaremos la direccion del evento despues de que se registre
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Name (First and Last) / Nombre (Nombre y Apellido) *
What neighborhood do you live in? / ¿En qué barrio vive? *
Email address / Correo electrónico *
July 23, 2022 11:00am-1:00pm Horner Park & Ravenswood Manor
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Do you want to host your own Clean and Green? Let us know: Location, Date, Time / ¿Quieres organizar tu propia limpieza comunitaria? Háganos saber: Ubicación, Fecha, Hora
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