Suggest an article to @JapanSocSci
Most of the content featured on @JapanSocSci is scraped from online databases, but we also welcome suggestions from readers. If you would like @JapanSocSci to share a recent piece of social science research on Japan, fill out the fields below.

Submissions should be research-based articles (i.e., not opinion pieces) that deal with Japan from a social science perspective and have been published in the last 3–4 months. Preprints and working papers are also eligible for inclusion if they are posted in a public repository. Authors are welcome to suggest their own work.
If you suggest an article, it will probably take 1–3 weeks for it to appear on @JapanSociSci. Suggestions submitted here are gathered periodically and added to the existing schedule of tweets, which is usually populated 3–4 weeks in advance.

If the article you are suggesting is indexed in one of the other databases (e.g., Social Sciences Citation Index) that are already being scraped by @JapanSocSci and/or it has already been featured on the account, it will only be tweeted once. Duplicates will be removed.

The editorial team reserves the right to make final decisions about the items that are tweeted. We will not tweet articles that do not fit the criteria above. Please do not submit the same suggestion multiple times.
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If the author(s) have official Twitter accounts, please include them below.
Link to article (journal website, preprint website, etc.)
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