What Do You Want to See on Okay McKay?
We launched Okay McKay 8 months ago, and since then, we have posted topics we feel passionately about, but have yet to ask YOU what kind of content YOU want to see here! So we created this little survey to hear directly from you and are excited to get your feedback.

Feel free to answer as many or few of the below questions, as any input is helpful. We would love to create and foster a newsletter that resonates with you, our beloved readers.

Also! We're collecting emails to give five respondents a free year-long membership to Okay McKay (be sure to use the email you use to subscribe!).
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
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What type of content do you like to see the most from us? (Choose two!)
What do you subscribe to Okay McKay for? What keeps you coming back?
What would you like to see more/less of on Okay McKay?
What general topics do you enjoy most that we've covered on Okay McKay? (Choose your top three)
What is your favorite kind of content we've featured on Okay McKay so far? (Choose two)
Which Posts on Okay McKay Interest You the Most? (choose two!)
What topics would you like to see covered going forward?
Who would you like to see interviewed on Okay McKay?
Any other feedback?
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