Director of Marketing & Marketing Team - Application
Thank you for your interest in being a part of The Reclamation Project! We look forward to reviewing your application.

Responsibilities of Director of Marketing:
- Oversee, and evaluate TRP’s marketing strategy, including policies, goals, and initiatives
- Conduct marketing research and coordinate marketing plans for TRP’s various projects
- Lead and manage the internal operations of the marketing team
- Participate in the developing of branding and help increase brand awareness with the community
- Collaborate with other executive members on social media marketing strategy and content marketing

Responsibilities of marketing team:
- Brainstorm, coordinate, and executive marketing initiatives
- Conduct marketing research and coordinate marketing plans for TRP’s various projects
- Collaborate with other teams within TRP to develop marketing plans and promotions

Full position description:

We accept international applications from anyone who is a part of Generation Z. If you are selected for this position, we will email you. You will not be contacted if you are not selected. These are not paid positions.

Deadline: July 7, 2021
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