Official Research Survey
This is a brief survey created to gather data based on the concept of music and the extent it has to impacting decision-making and personality. All responses will be anonymously but considerably recorded, so please answer to the best of your ability.
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1) What is your gender? *
2) What is your current age range? *
3) Please specify your ethnicity. *
4) Which category best describes your current job role? *
5) Which of the following best describes how often you listen to music? *
6) Which choice best describes the genre of music you listen to the most? *
7) Has your preference of music changed in any form with age?
(ex: listening to mostly pop music at 24, then mostly jazz at 35)
8) Pick your level of agreement on the following statement: “Music has an overall greater influence on an individual’s emotional state than any other form of media/art”. *
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
9) Have you at any extent, utilized music in order to gain focus or study for a particular event? *
Short Response
This is the short response portion of the survey. Please make sure to be as accurate and precise in your responses as possible.
10) Please provide a short description listing the various emotions you experience when listening to music
(ex: When listening to ___ music, I feel ___ and ___).
11) To the best of your ability, provide at least one way music has directly influenced your life choices (e.g. daily errands, family). *
12) Does music affect the outcome of your job? If so, please provide a short description of how it does. *
13) How has music caused a direct impact on your mindset? If it has not, please respond with N/A. *
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