Travel Questionnaire
This form serves as a guide to finding you the best deals that suit your needs for your trip.
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What is your budget for this trip? (Flights, hotel, and transportation to and from airports if applicable)
Where do you want to go? (Type anywhere, beach, mountains, etc. if you don't have a particular destination in mind)
How many people will be traveling on this trip? (X adults, X children)
How many nights/days would you like for trip to be?
Are you flexible on days or do you have specific days in mind for your trip? (If you have specific dates in mind please list them at the bottom of this form)
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Do you want seat selection for flights?
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Do you want a carry-on bag, checked bag, or both?
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Do you have a bed preference for accommodations?
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Do you want to plan activities/excursions for this trip?
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Please list any requests or other pertinent information that would be helpful for planning your trip.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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