Nominate a Sustainability Champion 2024
Citizens of Stillwater! It's time to choose your local eco-heroes for 2024!

Do you know a leader of sustainability who lives and works here in the St. Croix Valley, someone who inspires others? A business choosing a greener path, a teacher, an environmentalist, a student, or a mentor?  

Nominate one or more individuals in each category!  We appreciate all your suggestions.

Our awards team will consider your nominations and make recommendations to our Board of Directors, who will approve the final choices. 

The deadline for submission of nominations is September 7. Winners will be announced at Sustainable Stillwater MN's third annual Sustainability Works! Gala on November 7, 2024. 

Your help is vital and appreciated!

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
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Are you Nominating a Business or Individual?  *
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