Launch Team: Let's Work Smarter
Welcome to the launch team for Katharine Mitropoulos and Laura Watson's second book together about the characters on Harmony Lane: Let's Work Smarter 

The book will be released fall of 2024!
If you missed the first book, check it out here! We're so proud of this story. It won a few awards too ;) If you have a few free minutes and want to leave a review for this story it goes a looooonnnnggg way. 

Please fill out the information below if you'd like to join our launch team! Launch team members will receive a digital copy of the story and be asked to leave an honest review on Amazon and Goodreads :)

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Are you willing to leave an honest review on Amazon and Goodreads? *
If available, would you like a signed hardcover? (No promises yet! Just trying to get a sense for how many people are interested!) If yes, leave your address! *
If I am able to receive a signed hard copy of the book, please make it out to: 
Would you like to receive some behind the scenes updates about the progress creating and releasing Let's Work Smarter?  *
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