OHDSI Europe Sponsor Application Form
The third European OHDSI Symposium will be held in Rotterdam (NL) in June 2022, this time at a very exciting location, the Steam Ship Rotterdam. This year's symposium is entitled “We'll meet again for one journey ahead!” because we think it is very important to enjoy each others company again in real life as we did in 2018, 2019.

The symposium is a platform to share results and ideas about the use of the OMOP-CDM, tool development, and future research. The day will include a collaborator showcase including posters and podium presentations to highlight OHDSI’s research achievements, and interactive demonstrations of OHDSI’s open-source software tools.

This year's symposium will contain a "Cruise around Europe" session in which we will update you on the exciting work that is being done all over Europe, in National Nodes, large European Projects, and other initiatives. We will also reserve a lot of time for networking this year, something we all have missed.

For the symposium we are offering sponsorship slots. Interested companies can select specific aspects of the symposium they like to fund. All sponsors will be identified on the symposium website long with a description of their organisation. The list of sponsors will be shared with the audience.

All slots are available as first-come, first-served basis.

1. Four slots for Coffee sponsor (5.000 euro)

Funding provided by the coffee sponsor will cover the costs for the coffee and refreshments served during the coffee break as wel as associated service fees. Your logo will be displayed during the coffee break.

2. Two slots for Collaborator Showcase Sponsor (5.000 euro)

Funding provided by the showcase sponsor will cover the costs for the poster boards and costs for providing OHDSI software demonstrations. Your logo will be displayed next to the poster area during the showcase.

3. Three Lunch slots (10.000 euro)

A lunch will be offered at the symposium day and the two tutorial days. Your logo will be added next to the lunch and the sponsor slide at the symposium.

4. Four Symposium Exhibitor slots (3.000 euro)

We are offering exhibitor tables to be setup for the duration of the symposium. Potential exhibitors should describe how their work is related or is relevant to the European OHDSI community.
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