SLiThEr #49 Sign-up
Join us for SLiThEr #49 with Joyce Pham (CSU San Bernardino) on May 3 at 4:00pm EST.

Teaching Special Topics in Inorganic Chemistry: Solid-State Chemistry

Our third SLiThEr in the teaching advanced inorganic topics series is “Solid-State Chemistry for Undergraduates.” presented by Joyce Pham (CSU San Bernardino)

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What do you hope to learn from this SLiThEr? Are there specific topics you would like us to be sure to cover?
Do you have any specific questions you would like the panelists to address?
We plan to post the video of this event to our YouTube channel. While it is expected that the video feed will focus on the presenter, your voice and video feed could appear at some point. Do you give your consent to allow us to post video and/or sound of you? *
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