OSHC Waitlist EOI
The purpose of this form is to formalise and streamline the EOI process for a position at Freshwater State School P&C Outside School Hours Care Program.
You may be prompted at certain times throughout the school year to resubmit your information.
This is to ensure that the most accurate information is recorded and to streamline enrolment opportunities. 
If you do not submit a response, it will be assumed that your care needs have been managed and you no longer require a position at OSHC. 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
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Please acknowlegde that enrolments will be offered to families who adhere to the expectations by responding OSHC communications in addition to attending one of the parent information nights.

Please note the the current EOI form will be valid for the current calendar year 
I no longer require OSHC services and wish to be removed from the EOI waitlist *
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