Central & Main Placemaking: Windsor History and Memories 

Contribute local lore to inform artistic installation at Central and Main Housing!

Thank you for contributing to placemaking efforts that will enhance downtown Windsor's built environment. The building is currently under construction and will be 25 new homes in downtown Windsor. To transform this construction project into homes takes special attention to creating a unique place. Placemaking art helps highlight this uniqueness of Windsor and facilitates the connection to the broader community by tying into the history of the land, place, and people. The development team is looking for your input! 

Please contribute a story - whether it's historic, lasting culture, or a memory from downtown Windsor. These contributions will be collated and will inform the non-literal artistic rendering carved into Vermont Slate. This final art will be installed on the side of the building along the public walkway connected Central and Main streets. Connected to this installed artwork and along the walkway will be plantings and a shade tree culturally significant to Abenaki. 

Thank you for contributing your story, memory, or history to this meaningful artwork! 

Windham & Windsor Housing Trust and Evernorth 

Find more information about Central & Main and regular updates here:  https://www.homemattershere.org/central-and-main-windsor/ 

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