Nominate an ePoster for the Showcase
Have you seen a great Learning Toolbox this year that you think should be included in Kubify's Learning Toolbox showcase?

We're looking for examples of engaging ePosters that present their work clearly and which also make great use of the platform to include interactive or background material to give people a deeper understanding of their work. 

We'll review the nominations and we'll always check to get the authors' permission before we add an ePoster to the showcase.  
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The web address for the ePoster that you want to nominate. This FAQ answer explains how you can find the ePoster's web address when you are viewing it. *
Why do you think this ePoster is great?
Thank you for taking the time to nominate an ePoster! If you have any comments or feedback for the Kubify Learning Toolbox team then please just let us know. We're always very happy to hear from you. If you'd like a reply from us then please include your email address in your comment.
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