Biology online exam chapter 1 Life's Mysteries in Little Chambers
Answer all questions. Questions 1 to 10 carry 1 score for each question. Questions 11 to 15 carry 2 score for each questions (2 correct options should be done to avail score) and questions 16 and 17 carry 5 score for each question. Total score:30.  If you are using mobile phone, please keep it in landscape mode) Thank you. Prepared by: SEBIN THOMAS C, HST, GBHS, WADAKANCHERY, THRISSUR. Questions prepared by: AJITHANATH, HST, JAYAKERALAM H S, PULLUVAZHY, ERANAKULAM
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 1. Nucleus is the _____of the cell   *
1 point
2. The part of Microscope which helps to reflect light towards the object *
1 point
3. Identify the cell organelle *
1 point
Captionless Image
4. Find the odd one out.   *
1 point
5. Choose the correct pair related with cell theory *
1 point
6. Protoplasm means... *
1 point
7.  Which chromoplast impart purple colour   *
1 point
8. Who found that the body of animal is made up of cells. *
1 point
9. Which cell organelle helps to destruct foreign substances entering the cell. *
1 point
10. The membrane by which vacuole is covered.. *
1 point
11. Cell organelles Seen only in plants *
2 points
12. Choose correct statement related with compound microscope *
2 points
13. Reasons behind change in colour and taste of mango when it ripens *
2 points
14. Choose correct statements related with  chromatin reticulum *
2 points
15. Name the parts where the lens are fixed in a microscope *
2 points
16. Identify the parts A,B,C,D & E *
5 points
Captionless Image
Endoplasmic reticulum
17. Identify the parts of Nucleus with its functions *
5 points
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Carry genes
Conduction of materials
Synthesis of Ribosome
Fluid part
Covers nucleus
Chromatin reticulum
Nuclear pore
Nuclear membrane
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