Endcrawl State of the Industry Survey - Summer 2020
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Your Name *
What's your primary occupation in the film industry? *
Which of the following describes your current activity in FEATURE FILM production? (Please check all that apply.)
Which of the following describes your current activity in TELEVISION or EPISODIC production? (Please check all that apply.)
Which of the following describes your current activity in NEW MEDIA production—neither film or TV? (Please check all that apply.)
Have any of your projects moved location due to COVID concerns or lockdowns? (Check all that apply.)
Which remote technologies have you used in response to COVID? (Please check all that apply.)
Which DI houses have given you the BEST experience handling remote workflows?
Which VFX companies have given you the BEST experience handling remote workflows?
Which Sound Facilities have given you the BEST experience handling remote workflows?
Which Editorial Houses have given you the BEST experience handling remote workflows?
For any projects you have in PRE-production, how would you describe their current state?
For any projects you have in PRODUCTION, how would you describe their current state?
For any projects you have in POST production, how would you describe their current state?
Do you have any projects that have outright fallen through or been canceled due to COVID-19?
If any of your schedules are uncertain, have been pushed, or were canceled, what have been the major contributing factors? (Check all that apply.)
Are you currently shopping for new scripts that can be more safely produced during the COVID era?
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Are you currently pivoting into different formats that can be more safely produced curing the COVID era?
If you're currently trying to raise funds for a production, could you describe the major hurdles?
What did we miss? What else has changed during the COVID era?
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