AVSNM - Advocacy Grant Application - 2024
Grants are awarded based on need and fund availability. Please fill out this grant application completely for consideration. 

Our grants can pay for the following: 
  • Funeral Expenses (burial or cremation)
  • Private Investigator fees
  • Attorney fees
  • DNA testing
  • Billboards and social media ads
  • Therapy
  • Search and Rescue/Recovery supplies and costs
All grants will be paid direct to vendor. For example, if a family wants help to cover funeral costs, they would bring us the invoice and we will pay the funeral home or other funeral related service directly. This will apply to all grants awarded by Angels' Voices Silenced No More. 
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
E-Mail-Adresse *
Are you filling this out on behalf of someone else? *
Full Name of Applicant *
Phone Number *
Are you searching for a missing person or fighting for justice for a murdered loved one?  *
Briefly describe your current situation as it pertains to your need for the grant.  *
What do you need the funds for? (Select all that apply) *
How will obtaining this grant help you and your family?  *
How much money will you need? *
Are there any other details we need to consider when the board meet to discuss this grant?  *
Are you interested in being on True Consequences Podcast to tell your story?  *
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