SSLSO Member Directory Information
The Society is open to all, organists and those interested in organs and organ music. We run many events throughout the year and are committed to promoting and supporting the knowledge and practice of organ playing, especially among the young, throughout Southwark and South London.

Please complete those areas below with which you are comfortable and that are relevant to you; some members enjoy organ music and are not players, whereas others are professional musicians and may wish to provide details of the services they are able to offer.
If you are able to play for church services on a one-off basis and/or regularly, the Secretary may pass your contact details on to other members who request this.  Please contact the Secretary (, who will either choose a specific person, if requested, or someone on our list of available players.

You can read the Society's privacy policy here.
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Why are we requesting this information?
Dear SSLSO Member,

We would like to gather some more information about our members.  This is for two main reasons: 1) to help us better understand our membership, so that we can organise more relevant events and run the society in a better way for members; and, 2) to support interaction between members, for example in finding players willing to deputise, or teachers or even just finding other members in your area who share your interests.

We recognise that members have already provided some of this information when they originally joined the society, however many members have been in the society for a number of years so we would like to update information where needed.

The request is purely voluntary of course, so please provide as much or as little information as you wish.  You can update it, or delete it, at any time simply by submitting a new form, or by sending a message to the Secretary ( asking to delete it.

No information will be made public or given to third parties or used for marketing purposes.  If you choose to be listed in the Member Directory below, a limited amount of information will appear in the Member Directory which will be circulated to all members by email.
Your name: *
Email address: *
Postcode/Area in which you live:
Who are you (tick all applicable):
RCO Exams
Musical Qualifications (if any):
Current musical post (where relevant, including church/venue/organisation):
Are you available to deputise as an organist:
What areas/locations are you available to deputise in (if applicable)?
Please provide any other information you would like to (e.g. any other profession or skills):
Would you like to appear in the Member Directory (which will be circulated to all members) - this will include only your name, email address, postcode/area and the "Directory Comment" field below, if you wish to add it: *
Directory Comment - if you wish to let other members know anything about yourself (e,g availability for teaching, particular interests, etc..) please enter it below:
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