Debating Results 2022 - Preliminary Series
Please completing this form for each debate, and any byes, forfeits, and catch-up debates.
Also complete it for any reserve adjudicators and yourself to assist with accurate payments.

***Please ensure ALL information, ESPECIALLY round and team numbers, is accurate - please check draw if uncertain.***
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Venue *
Division *
Round *
WINNING team school - NOT necessarily the AFFIRMATIVE team (it's easy to accidentally enter teams in draw order) *
WINNING team number - PLEASE ensure this is correct (check draw if unsure; don't ask students - they don't know) *
LOSING team school - NOT necessarily the NEGATIVE team (it's easy to accidentally enter teams in draw order) *
LOSING team number - PLEASE ensure this is correct (check draw if unsure; don't ask students - they don't know) *
Win type *
Adjudicator full name *
Please try to ensure name is entered the same each time, e.g. not "Kate" one week and "Katherine" another. If no adjudicator due to bye or forfeit, enter "NA"
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