NPNA Grocery Hamper Volunteer Application
Every Thursday the NPNA puts together free, weekly grocery hampers made up of produce, bread, dairy, some non-perishable items and eggs. The NPNA currently has 100 households receiving hampers every week. The hampers are made between 9:00am-12:00pm, and delivered by volunteers between 11:30am-1pm. We are grateful to be able to use the Community Hall at First Met Church (932 Balmoral) as our home base of operations.

The mandate of the NPNA is to foster a welcoming and vibrant community that is inclusive of all people regardless of age, income, culture, or religion, and to make community benefit and equity the goal of all of our decisions.


We are seeking volunteers to help sort the hampers and deliver the hampers at First Met Church. All individuals 15 years and older can apply! 

- Arrive at First Met Church (932 Balmoral Road) at 9:00am
- Help set up tables and unload food from vehicles 
- Organize produce, non-perishables, dairy, bread in preparation for hampers
- Sort food into hampers (taking note of dietary restrictions and preferences written on bags)
- Once hampers are finished, put away supplies and sanitize tables, and put away tables.

We are seeking volunteers with vehicles to help support deliver grocery hampers program.

Hamper Delivery Driver: Thursdays, 11:00am-12:30pm
Pick up completed hampers at First Met Church (932 Balmoral) and deliver to households in and near North Park. This route takes about 1 hour, may require a vehicle, and involves some lifting and carrying.
Bread pick-up - 
Alternating Wednesdays at 7 pm. pick up 4 totes of bread (totes provided by us).
Deliver bread to First Met Church between 9 and 9:30 Thursday morning.   

We can provide letters of recognition with recorded volunteer hours. 
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What is your relationship with the North Park neighbourhood? 
Can you lift up to 30lbs? *
Are you interested in applying as a SORTER or DRIVER? *
What is your full name? *
What is your e-mail? *
What is your phone number? *
Are you over the age of 15? *
What is your address? *
What is your relationship with the North Park Neighbourhood Association?
Please provide an emergency contact (name and phone number)  *
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