ΔΣΠ Spring 2023 Interest Form
Thank you for your interest in Delta Sigma Pi, Lambda Sigma chapter at Cal State Fullerton.

Delta Sigma Pi is one of the nation's largest professional co-ed business fraternity with over 300,000 brothers internationally. Our chapter, Lambda Sigma, currently has 60+ brothers who are all business majors with diverse concentrations within the College of Business & Economics.

To stay updated on our recruitment events, please fill out this form below so we can stay in contact and provide you with any additional information you may need!

For additional updates for our Spring 2023 recruitment process check out our IG, LinkedIn, Youtube and website at linktr.ee/csufdsp.

If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to our Senior Vice President, Karyl Suarez, at svp.dspcsuf@gmail.com.

We look forward to meeting you and we hope this spring, you'll reach your destination with Delta Sigma Pi.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Year *
Major *
Concentration *
CSUF Email *
Personal Email *
Phone Number *
Can we text you *
How did you hear about us? *
Brother Referral/Classroom Presentation
What are you looking for with Delta Sigma Pi *
Will you be attending our second recruitment event @ Open GBM Monday 2/13 *
Do you have any questions for us?
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