Breath Sessions
Breathwork is a powerful practice that takes us into a deeply healing, transformational and restorative state. In these guided session,  I will teach you how to breathe in a way that quiets the mind and drops you into the wisdom of the body. You will feel shifts in your energy and sensation through your body as we move stagnant energy and enter deeper levels of consciousness. 

We begin with a guided meditation to bring awareness and help us arrive. As we move into an active breathing pattern, we lie down comfortably and listen to a carefully curated playlist. Music and sound are powerful parts of this practice, stirring memory and emotion. When we are in the studio, I will close our practice by singing and playing for you. 
The effects of this practice are a little different person to person and session to session. Breath can be provocative as it uncovers blocks and brings feeling to the surface. You will need a calm and quiet place where you can lay down, listen and make some sound. For in person practices, I will support you with essential oils and light touch. Once you find your flow, you can experience expansiveness, release, clarity and peace.  

This is a practice in cultivating embodied self-love and compassion. 

Benefits of breathwork include: Clarity of mind, improved sleep, boosts in mood, connection to self and spirit, stress reduction, expanded sense of peace and calm, deepening of intuition, decreased anxiety, greater access to creativity and expression, strengthening connection with the natural world, ancestors and guides, lasting self-love and compassion. 

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In-person gatherings are $35. I share essential oils and other special elements in these sessions. There will be tea and light snacks after the session with time to journal, reflect and talk with one another. 

The exchange for online breathwork is $20. (3 sessions for $55)

Please do not let cost be an obstacle to your attendance and choose an option that makes sense to you. 

Any questions, concerns, or special music requests?
If you are interested in scheduling a private session (in person or in Zoom) or want to do something with a small/large group, you can post inquiries about meditation, mindfulness, writing and facilitated programs here.
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