AP Exams Acknowledgement Form SY 2022
Congratulations on rising to the challenge of taking an Advanced Placement (AP) course. By taking an AP course you are setting your path to college and being better prepared for the rigorous coursework. In addition, you have an opportunity to earn college credit should you take and pass the AP Exam. We know you will work hard and, as a result, you have the potential to be very successful in this course!

Students who take an AP course should be aware of several important pieces of information as outlined below:

Students are NOT required but strongly encouraged to take the AP Exam.
Students WHO ARE NOT enrolled in an AP course can take the AP Exam, but must register and pay for the exam.
Advanced Placement Exam fees are as follows:

*The cost of each AP Exam is $96.00, except for Capstone courses which are $144.00.  

*The deadline to order AP Exams for yearlong and fall semester courses is October 31, 2021.  

*Any exam ordered after November 15, except Second Semester courses, will incur the full cost of the exam along with the $40.00 late fee, if applicable. This fee must be paid before an exam is ordered. The payment deadline for Second Semester Courses is March 15, 2022.

It is important for us to know that you have received this information early in the school year.  We want you to be committed to being successful in this course and to understand that your commitment includes taking the AP Exam. Students who are invested from the beginning of the year have much higher success rates in these courses.

Please complete the form below and mark your calendar for your exams in May to avoid any scheduling conflicts once they are confirmed in AP Classroom.  Your form should be completed by October 31, 2021. This should be completed only for the exams you plan to take.

Applicable exam payments must be made by November 10, 2021, or the exam will be cancelled.
Student LAST Name *
Student FIRST Name *
Student ID Number *
Grade *
Requested AP Exams *
By checking the box below, I confirm that I am requesting the above AP Exams and if applicable, will make payment for the exams no later than November 10, 2021. I also confirm that I have joined AP Classroom and confirmed my exam decision. *
Select the date you complete the form. *
Parent Name *
Parent Email address *
Parent Phone Number *
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